Domecile does not support password-protected documents at this time. If your document is password protected, you will get this error message:

Here's how to remove password protection from documents before uploading:

password protected documents

Adobe Acrobat Reader (Windows and Mac)

:: Select the Secure button [] in the main interface and from the menu

:: Select Remove Security

:: Enter the password of the document when prompted 

:: Select OK to remove password

:: Re-save document


Google Chrome

:: Drag any password protection PDF into Google Chrome Browser

:: When prompted, enter the password, then Enter to open file

:: Go to File menu in Google Chrome

:: Choose Print (or press Ctrl+P on Windows or Cmd+P on Mac)

:: Choose destination printer as Save as PDF 

:: Select Save

encrypted/read-only documents

Preview (MacOS)

:: Open the encrypted PDF in Preview

:: Enter password to gain access (you must unlock the document to be able to remove the password from the PDF file)

:: Choose File menu and 

:: Select Save or Save As

:: Save the file as PDF. Be sure to leave the encryption button unchecked.

:: If you save over the existing file it will remove the password from the document. Alternatively, you can save the file with a new file name to create a second PDF without password protection

Office Word (Windows)

:: Open encrypted document

:: Enter password to gain access (you must first unlock document to remove password)

:: Go to File, then Info, then Protect Document, then Encrypt with Password

:: Clear the password in the password box, then select OK

Google Chrome

:: Drag the encrypted file into a Chrome browser window. This should open the file as a new tab in Chrome

:: Select the Print icon

:: Use the Destination dropdown

:: Set Save as PDF as the Destination.

:: Click Save

:: A new unencrypted version of the file should automatically download to your local drive

:: Upload the unencrypted file to your package.

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