Use the Sign & Edit view to add signatures, custom text fields, highlight, and redact. These additions may be added to any document within the platform—including your own uploaded forms.

Let this video guide you through how to sign and edit. There also in-depth instructions below the video.

First, ensure you are within the document you wish to fill out.

Then, select Sign & Edit from the toggle at the top of the document. 

The Sign, Overlay Text, Highlight, and Redact tools will appear below the toggle as shown here.  

Select the needed tool then click on the document to begin amending. 

Sign and Overlay Text tools allow you to enter information and then adjust the placement. For Highlighting and Redacting, click and drag over the appropriate spot on the document.   

Please keep in mind that the markings from these tools will become invisible if you switch to the Fill Out Form view.

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