Let this video guide you through submitting. There also in-depth instructions below the video.

Before you can submit your application package, three things must be done:

:: All Requirements must be locked in the Requirements section.

1. First go to the Requirements tab in the application package.

2. Mark all requirements as Finished by moving the toggle from Reviewing to Finished.

3. Generate the application package. Generating the application is only available in the Requirements tab.

4. Go to the Fees/Submit tab. 

Ensure all fees are authorized at the top of this page. When fees have been authorized, the Fee Status column will display "Authorized." If fees are not assigned or authorized, assign fees to the appropriate people and/or authorize fees. 

If all fees are in fact authorized, the Submit to Package Processors button below the table, further down on the page, will become active.  

Select the Submit to Package Processor(s) button to submit to property management. 

If for any reason you must withdraw the package from property management, click the Withdraw from Package Processor(s) button, which will appear toward the bottom of the Fees/Submit section after you have submitted:

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