Let this video guide you through assigning fees to Deal Parties. There also in-depth instructions below the video, with a glossary at the end describing the columns in detail.

Please note: Only Package Initiators or agents who have been invited into the application have the ability to assign fees.


1. Within the Application Package view, click on the Fees/Submit tab.


2. Use the Select Assignee drop down to choose the appropriate party from the list.

3. After selecting all Assignees, select the activated Notify Assignees to Pay button. This will send an email notification to the appropriate parties that fees are due. 

column descriptions


The amount due. 

Please note: Some fees are conditional based on number of applicants. For conditional fees, calculate the amount, then manually enter it into the empty box. In the Credit Report example above, if there were two co-purchasers, the amount to enter would be $400. Once total is calculated, the Assignee column will permit Assignee selection.


The name of the deal party who should pay the fee. Select the correct name from the dropdown. 

Please note: Only the names of those who have been invited to the application will appear here. Ensure the assignee has been invited into the application if a name isn't listed. 

payment status

:: Need to Assign — Fee needs to be assigned

:: Authorized — Assignee has authorized [an approved hold on the car until funds are collected]

:: Collected — Fee has been officially collected by management, charges are made to the card on record

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