After application initiation, you'll be brought to the Deal Parties section.

Enter unit number, purchase price, and shares in the top section. 

Enter buyer, seller, attorney, realtor information in the middle portion. Click on any part of the white box beside the role of the person whose information you're entering. Then, add information in the fields. 

To add an additional person, select the + beside the white box for that type of participant. For example, select the + next to the Buyer to add a Co-Buyer.

Please note: You must include the email address of each person you plan to invite into the package. You cannot use the same email address for multiple parties; if you must list the same party twice, leave the email field blank for one of their entries. 

The last section lists the Package Processor(s). This list of the package processors is pre-set by property management. 

Save or Save and Continue whenever you add, edit, or remove any information here. Recent edits will otherwise be lost.

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